Welcome to
Christ Presbyterian Church
in New Braunfels
A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America
Men & Women’s Prayer Meetings 9:00 am
Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship Service 10:45 am
Nursery Available
Please join us each week for a special time of prayer.
Prayer Groups Schedule
Who We Are
We are traditional in our beliefs and worship, holding to the Westminster Standards, the ecumenical creeds, and the PCA Book of Church Order.
SUNDAY, March 9th
Pastor Nick Bullock
John 2:1-12
“The Miracle at Cana”
News and Events
Use the dropdown menu at the top of the page for more information about the conference, local accommodations and to register
Wednesday Activities and fellowship dinner information can be found here
Sunday School happens Sundays at 9:30 am. Click here for more information